Oh what a night. Last night Scott and I went to Easton to help my grandmother. On my drive home from work to meet Scott, I noticed my stomach was acting up a little, but I thought it was nothing. We get to my grandmother's house and are talking and helping her around the house and I start to feel worse. Granny and I went to Ledo's to get carry out and I had her stop at the local Rite-Aid so I could run in for some medicine. We get home I take some stomach meds, and we sit down to eat dinner. Now for those of you who don't know me, I love food, I love to eat, if it were a career I'd eat all day for the money and enjoy every second of it. YUM! I took only one piece of pizza and was stuffed. Uh-oh! So we hang out at my Granny's a little bit longer, while her and Scott are on her computer I'm laying on the floor writhing in pain. I told Scott "come on we have to leave somethings wrong." We barely made it out to Rt. 50 and we had to stop on the side of the road about a million times so I could be sick. We called Hopkins and told them what was going on and they said to go to the nearest ER. We tried to drive it, but I was getting worse and couldn't handle the pain. So luckily our friends Dave and Shubhangi live right off of Rt. 50. We went to their house...at this point I can't stand up straight and can barely walk. They call 911 and the ambulance comes to get me, luckily Scott rode up front. We get to the hospital and I'm restless, it was awful.
Because of my CF I do have a history of having bowel obstructions. I had one at age 9, and one at age 19...i kind of have an every 10 year history unfortunately. I knew that's what it was. It is by far the worst pain I've ever experienced in my entire life. They finally put an IV in me and gave me Dilaudid which knocked me out and took the pain away for a little while. I was getting Zofran for nausea around the clock, but I just kept vomiting. I was sent down for an abdominal X-ray which was negative. They finally put me in a room, and made me drink horrible Barium. That came right back up to. I went down for the CT scan of the abdomen which did show that I did have an obstructed small bowel. OUCH! So yet another round of Dilaudid and Zofran. So I ended up being able to get a little bit of sleep finally once there was nothing left in my body to vomit. Yuck. This morning the doctors came in and said they were going to transfer me to Hopkins, and have a surgical consult. Then by the fate of the universe, the obstruction reversed itself THANK GOODNESS!!! So they watched me for another hour and hydrated me a total of 3 Liters of Normal Saline. I ended up being able to go home, avoid surgery, and avoid a transfer to Johns Hopkins Hospital. I'm home now, absolutely exhausted but I know how bad this could have been and it wasn't. I'm also happy that Scott was by my side the whole time and was absolutely wonderful. He's the best. Also a big thank you to all of the text messages, and phone calls, and concern from everyone. I truly feel grateful and loved.
Roasted Carrots with Feta
2 days ago
Oh my! What an ordeal! I'm glad you're on the mend!
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