So tonight I was going to make Chicken Carbonara from scratch. Then, Scott called me at work and asked If I really felt like cooking or just getting carry-out. Twist my arm since I'm so tired, carry-out it is! So after work I ran to the store to look for a new Raven's jersey since at work we wear our jersey's on Friday's. No luck, oh well. So I order a pizza and sub from Ledo's and pick it up on my way home. It was ready super quick and was super hot, awesome! i thought. I get home to sick Scott and he's happily awaiting the arrival of his pizza. We sit down to eat and he asks where the blue cheese dressing is. Crap! I knew I forgot to ask for something! I should know better, in all the years I've known Scott, the man lives for blue cheese dressing. Oh well I think to myself we'll have some in the fridge no big deal. WRONG! I don't think we've ever not had blue cheese in the fridge, but sure enough we didn't tonight. so he eats a piece of his pizza, and after the 2nd bite realizes they gave me the wrong pizza. Ahh! I orderded buffalo chicken pizza, and instead I got just a regular pizza with chicken on it. So he makes a call to Ledo's tries to explain the dilemma to the person on the phone, blah blah, they try to charge me for another pizza, they finally understand that they gave me the wrong pizza etc. What a night mare this has turned out to be. So much for quick no fuss carry out right? So Scott heads up to Ledo's finally gets his pizza-free, and for all of his trouble, gets a giant vat of blue cheese dressing. Yay. Did I mention my sub was perfeclty cheesy, greasy, and awesome ;)
Roasted Carrots with Feta
2 days ago
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