Yesterday was kind of a tough day. Missed my Grandfather terribly yesterday (as everyday) so it was a blah kind of day for me. Of course I don't like to feel down and dumpy but it was just one of those days. We weren't able to see my Dad yesterday since Scott's back was hurting so much we didn't leave the house. We didn't see his Dad either since they are away. Oh well at least Scott got a Father's Day card from the dogs :P
There was actually a lot weighing on my mind yesterday. I don't know why exactly it all hit me yesterday but it did. I'm still worried about my friends daughter whom is still hospitalized for her seizures. They've tried different medications now and it's just made matters worse. If these next meds don't work, she'll have to undergo surgery. Breaks my heart since she's not even 2 yet, and my friend (her mother) is currently 7 months pregnant with their 3rd child. I just feel helpless for them. For some reason yet again the miscarriage hit me. No rhyme or reason it just does and I feel this emptiness inside. I'm also worried about another fellow CFer who's hospitalized right now not doing so well. I feel like it's been a rough month in our little CF world. Two of my friends are also in the hospital CF related and on IV's as of yesterday. I sure am sending out lots of prayers their way. I really am trying to stay postive, use the Secret, and continue to look at my vision board and know that things are going to work out. Just one of those days I suppose....
So despite the day being that of which it was I decided to turn that energy around and go for a kick butt bike ride! And that's just what I did. I ended up doing a total workout yesterday of 8 miles, woo hoo!!! Plus I lifted weights thanks to the awesome routines Ronnie has sent me. Thank You!!!! My meter numbers rocked afterwards which just made my day. Recently with all this inflammatory stuff going on I just didn't feel a difference, and now I finally am! :)
Today I continued with a tough workout as well. I go to Hopkins tomorrow for my CF checkup which always makes me a little tense to put it mildly. So I'm hoping that things go well! Today's workout consisted of a 25 minute Eliptical workout with a 5 minute cool down which was over a mile. It was a killer workout and It felt great! I then went for a bike ride of almost 2 miles after dinner. Overall I feel very good about these last 2 days and the mucho mileage ;)
On a random note my buffalo wing craving kick still continues, hence we ordered them for dinner again tonight. YUMMY! They are so discustingly good, bring on the calories! And thanks to my co-worker she's got me completely hooked on reading first Twilight book. I haven't read a book for leisure since college! Nursing school did me in as far as leisurely reading goes, so it's been at least 7 years. Well the cycle is broken because I can't put this darn book down! I loved the movie, and promised I'd give the book a try. So far so great!
Scott's back still hurts him pretty badly, but he's staying active. Too active actually....although I admire him wanting to keep moving I just don't want him to hurt himself any more than he has. I won't mention that he was outside cutting trees down earlier either, or that he hung all new blinds up in the house, or that he not me, no way ;) Oh did I mention he took the day off to "relax" :P
Well tomorrow is clinic day after work...I'll catch up tomorrow. I actually have lots of questions for this visit. I'll keep you posted.
Here's to turning off the brain for the night....
Roasted Carrots with Feta
2 days ago
Man, you are kicking butt and taking names!!!! GREAT JOB!!! I don't know how I'm going to keep up with you, but you're motivating me to step it up. We should have a mileage competition sometime soon.
Please let me know how your clinic appointment goes...
I hope you have a great clinic visit!!!
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