There's been so much going on lately that I haven't had too much of a chance to do my usual blogging. So I'm cheating and throwing all of it into a Tuesday Ten...or more :P
1. I'm officially PICC free as of Friday at 6pm :) I'm so thankful that the antibiotics did their job and for how lucky I am. I know that the pneumonia could have been or gotten way worse, all things considered. My FEV has even gotten as high as 2.34 :) Couldn't be happier!
2. My nebulizer decided to break last night. I was right in the middle of my TOBI and bam, it sounded like a crunchy grinding sound. :/ That can't be good! So I'm supposed to have one on it's way to me this evening, thankfully.
3. I was able to get the H1N1 vaccine at Hopkins on Thursday. I was completely not expecting it at all, so it was a nice surprise. I'm wondering though If I'm feeling it's effects now. The last 2 days I've had occasional chills and a low grade temp. I feel fine though, weird.
4. Had a great time In NYC with my 2 girlfriends on Saturday. I was able to get all of the Christmas shopping done that I had on my list for New York.
5. We had our annual Football party on Sunday. Too bad the Ravens lost, but we had a great time. I can't tell you how happy it makes me to have all the friends/family that I love all in our house at the same time.
6. I've been so very exhausted these last few days. I think it's just because we had so much going on these last 2 weeks with the pneumonia, PICC, lack of sleep with the IV's, Scott's Grandfather dying, it's just been a little insane. I'm desperately trying to catch up on sleep! Needless to say my to-do list isn't getting any shorter...
7. I'm doing something HUGE tomorrow...I'm getting my hair cut off!! Ahh!! It's overdue, and I haven't had it short for at least 4 years now. Yikes, I'm so nervous, but excited at the same time.
8. I'm joining a Gym! I've never belonged to a gym before so I'm super excited to do so. One of our offices @ work just moved next door to a gym. We're being offered a deal of $20 a month, classes included. I can't wait! It will be such a nice alternative to running :)
9. I can't believe how fast the Holidays are approaching us. This is my absolute favorite time of year. However, I can't believe that when I was out shopping recently they are already playing Christmas music!? Why does Thanksgiving have to get ripped off?
10. I have a lot of my fellow CF'ers on my mind. Those that aren't doing so well, fighting Swine Flu, in the hospital, awaiting transplant, recovering from transplant....please keep them in your prayers too.
Well that's my update over the last few weeks. It's good to be back, and just about back to normal. Now if we can just get some sleep into the mix, I'll be very very :)
Roasted Carrots with Feta
2 days ago
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