So I took the day off today and was able to sleep in until 9:20 am, woo hoo!!! Met up with Scott for lunch which was nice then headed to Easton to visit Granny. Unfortunately she's still in a "Rehab center" or nursing home, for recovery post knee replacement. Ugh I hate nursing homes! Even during nursing school and we did our clinical rotations there I dreaded it and was so sad :( Today was about the same... Walked in to the N.H. to a cute confused lady that was talking to me about a painting on the wall. Just breaks my heart to see this, then you walk around the corner to people moseying around in their wheelchairs while being disoriented. My grandmother luckily is of sound mind and is taken care of very well b/c she wouldn't have it anyother way. But please explain to me how when her roommate called for help the aide said "You're going to make me late to my meeting! I just changed you at 11am!" Grrrrr....I wanted to slap her! How in the hell do you get away with talking to someone like that. Would she like to lay in her own mess!!!??? I wanted to report her so badly, but didn't.
I went to my Granny's house for her to pick up her clothes, and do some things for her. Chatted with her neighbors who are so cute. Went back to the N.H. to hang out with her some more. This time the little senior citizens were having an Easter party and were making hats. Soo cute!! I headed home a little bit later. It's over an hour drive, but no worries I stopped at the new drive-thru Starbucks and got a mocha for the road. Plus I had the iPOD to rock out to while driving. It was such a scenic ride with all of the trees blooming, just lovely.
So now I'm home and can't turn my brain off from the sad patients I saw today. I have a bad habit of wanting to save everyone and know I can't. I wanted to help take care of all of them, make them feel important, and if nothing else just have a visitor. I need to understand that I can't save everyone, but I sure would like to.....
Roasted Carrots with Feta
2 days ago
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