I can't help but feel a little, hurt, maybe even frustrated. This may sound very silly, but let's face it we can't help the way we feel right? It's a simple thing, yet something that has really been bothering me. I feel like when you email friends/family etc. about stuff that is going on, especially when you've had a recent illness it would be nice if they acknowledged it. I feel that when I am a part of emails, and someone is sick, hurt, upset, or stressed, I try to respond quickly and lend a helping hand or thought. I suppose my feelings are just a little hurt that after having some bumps in the road lately, I haven't gotten what I feel I always give....
Roasted Carrots with Feta
2 days ago
I am right there with you on this one, Jess. I was on IV's for a few weeks in July. I was trying to continue working full time and taking care of my kids. I felt like I was drowning. I had a few friends, some of them newer friends, who offered a helping hand. I had several people in my family and my neighbors not even acknowledge that I was struggling. I am the first to take a meal to someone during a difficult time, but I didn't get one meal. Hurt doesn't even begin to describe how I felt. You truly do find out who really cares. I don't think you're being overly sensitive. I'm sorry you're going through this :-(
THANK YOU Stacey!!! I was so afraid to even blog about this, yet it's been on my mind for about a week now. I go out of my way to help people out, and am just not feeling the same from certain friends in return. I'm so grateful that someone understands, yet sorry that you're going through it as well :/ It sure is no fun at all! Thank you for listening!!
Maybe it's because we're both caretakers...a Nurse and a Social Worker. Maybe others just aren't wired like us?
I think you are right Stacey, we must be wired differently. Great point :)
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