Tuesday, June 9, 2009

All Good Things

Today was a really good day plain and simple. It was just one of those days where unexpected nice things just happen all around. Here's some of them:

~I had a deaf patient today with and interpretor. Before the patient left after her procedure they came over to sign and interpret to me that I was the "Best Nurse" it made my day.

~Then one of the my favorite doctors came to me today to ask when my next vacation was so he could plan our works annual summer party around it. I was so flattered and touched by that. Have I mentioned I really love my job and who I work for?

~I got the chance to catch up today with one of my oldest guy friends. We've been friends for about 20 years. We'd been playing phone tag and it was just nice to catch up on life.

~We had awesome and I mean awesome thunderstorms here, including monsterous hail. Yes I love storms.

~I laughed so much and so hard at work today that my muscles actually ached. Now mind you I'm always laughing but today was to a whole new level.

~My legs hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt so baldy from my recent mile runs. Makes me very happy to feel a difference on many levels. I decided however today my legs would get a much deserved break. I think I heard them do a happy sigh of relief ;)